We’ve never been part of a church that’s just getting started, so this is all new territory for us. The bottom line is, it’s AWESOME! It’s incredible to see God at work, bringing people together and making the pieces fall into place. For the first time in years, we are truly excited about being in a Sunday morning service. We haven’t worshipped and learned like we are now in quite some time. Everyone has been warm and friendly; but even better than that, they are genuine. We have our new church family!

kontakt / spotkania

Dane kontaktowe

Adres: Ul. Wita Stwosza 1a, 71-173 Szczecin
Telefon: 602 791 866
Email: kontakt@2kech.pl

Miejsce nabożeństw

Niedzielne Nabożeństwa // godzina 11:00

Społeczność Chrześcijańska Pogodno,
Ul. Wita Stwosza 1a,
71-173 Szczecin

nadchodzące wydarzenia